Prime Source 50117PS0022 Triad Selective Herbicide 2.5 Gallon
Triad Select combines three active ingredients that are all selective herbicides. This combination is perfect for tough and hard-to-kill broadleaf weeds like dandelion, clover, and plantain. It is labeled for use on turf, sod farms, rights-of-ways, and other non-crop industrial areas.
For Use On:
Golf Courses, Sod Farms, Highways, Right-of-Ways, and similar Non-Crop areas, Ornamental Turf-grass (Residential & Commercial), Parks, Cemeteries and Athletic Fields
Weeds Controlled: Bedstraw, Dandelion, Lespedeza, Poison Oak, Wild Carrot, Black Medic, Dock, Mallow, Purslane, Wild Garlic, Buckhorn, Ground Ivy, Morningglory, Ragweed, Wild Lettuce, Burdock, Heal-AII, Peppergrass, Sheep Sorrel, Wild Onion, Chicory, Henbit, Pigweed, Shepherd’s Purse, Chickweed, Knotweed, Plantain, Speedwell, Clover, Lambsquarters, Poison Ivy, Spurge, Yarrow, and other broadleaf weeds.
Bahiagrass, Bluegrass (Common), Bermudagrass, Fescue, Ryegrass, Zoysiagrass Dormant St. Augustine (common, Raleigh, and Seville varieties grown in TX, LA, MS only) Dormant centipedegrasses (TX, LA, MS only), Bentgrass (putting and bowling greens)