Edgit Pro 1001 for Echo Trimmers
Edgit Pro 1001 for Echo Trimmers
The EDGIT PRO™ is a trimming & edging guide for straight shaft trimmers. It indicates where the trimmer's string is cutting and holds the trimmer's spinning string in the groove. The EDGIT allows a trimmer operator to produce perfect vertical edges on mulch beds, curbs and sidewalks... as fast as he can walk. It stays on the trimmer all the time. When used for trimming it stands the grass up as it's being cut while at the same time helping the operator hold the trimmer level. This allows operators to mow with their trimmers. It prevents string breakage against chain link fences and is great for cutting under the fence. The EDGIT make your string cut through weeds like a blade while preventing debris from wrapping around the head. The EDGIT is also a superior debris shield for the operator and reduces the chances of broken windows.
This is for Echo Trimmers with a straight shaft. Does not fit model 261T.