Powering Nature's Professionals Since 1970
Order Will Call
You're about to start a busy day, filled with different jobs, when you look through your trailer and remember that there was that thing or two you've been meaning to buy all week but just haven't had the time to do it. Today isn't looking any better either, and now you're completely out of trimmer line... You start to worry about your schedule and then you remember that you can call ahead to your local Russo and order what you need! They'll place your order in will call so all you have to do pop in and pick it up. It's a convenient way to get what you need and get right back to work. This neat little trick works with email as well. Send the sales associate you typically work with a message and they'll hook you up. Now you will never have to worry about sacrificing time spent on a job to gear up for the next one.

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