Powering Nature's Professionals Since 1970
10 Tips for Snow Plow Maintenance
It's critical to have your plow ready for when the first snow hits. The following tips can help you prepare for the winter ahead.
- Replace your cutting edge if necessary- Make sure you're keeping an eye on the length of your cutting edge. If it wears down to 3-4 inches it can damage the board underneath. This will affect your ability to plow efficiently.
- Check the tire pressure on all your tires. Cold temperatures can cause tire pressure to decrease significantly. Tires can lose up to 1 lb. of pressure for every drop in temperature of 10 degrees (Fahrenheit). This can lead to problems with your steering ability.
- Check and replace all the vehicle light bulbs. Waxing your lights can also prevent ice and road slush from building up on your lights.
- Double check your hydraulic fluid before the start of the season. Make sure it is filled up to the required specifications.
- After your first plow of the season check your mounting bolts and springs. You should continue to check them periodically during the plowing season in order to make sure your mold board is not getting damaged.
- Avoid overheating the transmission. If you have an inline transmission gauge and you notice the temperature above 250 degrees (Fahrenheit), you should let the truck idle until transmission temperatures lower.
- Before plow season begins you should make sure all electrical connections are free of corrosion. You should be continuously applying dielectric grease once a month to prevent corrosion from occurring during the season.
- Check your hoses for any damage or holes.You can avoid power angle failure by making sure all your hoses are working properly.
- You should have an emergency kit with you as well. Your kit can include: hoses, trip and return springs, a tow strap, a shovel, etc.
- Get all your maintenance checks done before the start of the season! You don't want to be running into any problems when the first snow hits.

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