Nufarm 10767464 Q-Ball Herbicide 1/2 Gallon
Exclusively from Nufarm, new Q-BalL herbicide quickly takes out tough crabgrass escapes and more. With a simple one-use rate, studies show Q-Ball quickly eliminates crabgrass escapes in many turfgrass settings. Q-Ball is developed with an innovative water-based formula that delivers maximum stability and tank mixing compatibility. Additionally, Q-Ball is labeled at 10 gallons per acre for low-volume sprayers – that’s half of the rate of competitors’ 20 gallon per acre rates. This summer, count on Q-Ball to manage post-emergent crabgrass.
Key Uses:
- Residential turfgrass
- Non-residential turfgrass
Key Weeds Controlled:
More than 190 broadleaf weeds including:
- Barnyardgrass
- Clover; hop, red, white
- Crabgrass; large, smooth
- Daisy, English
- Dandelion, common
- Dollarweed
- Foxtail; giant, green, yellow
- Geranium, Carolina
- Kikuyugrass
- Medic, black
- Morningglory
- Signalgrass
- Speedwell; common, slender, thymeleaf
- Torpedograss
- Violet, wild
- See product label for complete list
Competitive Advantages:
- See real results – fast – more than 90% crabgrass escape control within 7 DAT
- Simple one-use rate of 1.45 oz/1,000 sq ft controls crabgrass escapes and many other weeds
- Minimum of 10 gal/A spray volume for low-volume sprayers
- Stable water-based formulation withstands temperatures from 0˚ to 129˚F
- Excellent tank mixing compatibility with most surfactants and post-emerge herbicides, such as Triplet® SF
- Controls more than crabgrass, including clover, dandelion, dollar weed, foxtail, kikuyugrass, signalgrass, speedwell, and torpedo grass
Use Summary:
- Apply Q-Ball™ herbicide to actively growing weeds as a broadcast or spot spray. Refer to the product label for specific application rates per turf type and weed growth stage.
For Broadcast Applications: Apply 4 pts per acre.
For Spot Applications: Apply 1.45 fl oz/1,000 sq ft of treated area.
For Creeping Bentgrass: Apply 2 to 3 split applications at 0.5 to 1.0 fl oz/1,000 sq ft. Do not apply more than 2.9 fl oz/1,000 sq ft per year.
For Seeding/Overseeding/Sprigging: The use of this product before or after seeding or over-seeding a turf area will not significantly interfere with the turfgrass seed germination and growth of those grass types identified as tolerant or moderately tolerant.