Liquid deicing can be a more effective solution for snow and ice control than rock salt while also reducing costs for your business. Discover the benefits of using liquid brine and the science behind liquid deicing. Including how it can positively impact your business and ways to incorporate it into your fleet.

Works Faster
In most cases, liquids can get parking lots back to bare pavement 3-4x faster than traditional snow and ice solutions.

Reduces Costs
On average, making the switch to liquid deicing results in a 30%-70% reduction in overall salt usage.

More Effective
Liquid deicing can take place up to 48 hours before a storm occurs.

Reduces Labor
Because of the ease of which it is applied, and the more effective application rate, liquids save on labor costs.

Better for the Environment
Liquid deicing utilizes less chlorides and results in less chloride contamination of storm water.

Better for Property
Liquid deicing can reduce property damage costs sometimes associated with the use of rock salt.
De-Icing Sprayers
Access the power of liquid deicing with the fully electric and cost-efficient Genesis Series or get back to bare pavement with the top-of-the-line in liquid deicing, the Legacy Series.
Applications of Liquids
Liquid deicing can be applied to surfaces on a Pre-treatment, Post-treatment, or Interstorm treatment.
Pre-treatment applications are made before the storm to prevent the bond of snow and ice to the surface and prevent a mild amount of accumulation. This allows for easier mechanical removal of snow and ice and thereby the use of less salt after your plows are finished.
- Goal: Broad, even coverage to reach all the pores in the surface.
- Timing: 24-48 hours before a storm (can be much longer if using a quality additive)
Post-treatment applications are a viable replacement for rock salt, treated salt and bagged sidewalk products. This application is done after your plows have finished and you need to address any remaining residual snow and ice.
- Goal: Blast liquids with pressure to reach the surface.
- Timing: As soon as plows are finished.
Interstorm applications can be necessary for winter events that are exceptionally long or wet. Plan to have pre-treatment applied and dried before the rain begins. And then reapply as falling precipitation turns to freezing rain or snow to prevent icing over. For lengthy winter storms, multiple applications are helpful, just like when using road salt or other solid de-icers.
- Goal: “Refresher” application to keep surface protected from formation of ice or snowpack.
- Timing: Around the time rain turns to freezing rain or halfway through a long duration snow event.
Brine Makers
The most important step in succeeding with liquid de-icing is a proper source for quality brine. Brine may be available for purchase locally, but the most cost-efficient method is to mix and store your own brine with VSI Brine Makers.
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About VSI by BOSS Snowplow
Voigt Smith Innovation was founded from their landscaping and snow removal company that started with a one-man crew and has grown exponentially year after year. With more than 10 years of experience in the lawn care and snow removal industries, VSI has taken what they learned and applied the knowledge to their products... to produce the finest liquid de-icing equipment available. They know what it takes for equipment to work in the field the way you need it to.
Now VSI by BOSS Snowplow is the best of both worlds: delivering the same expertise you've come to expect from VSI with the quality accessibility and support you know and love from BOSS Snowplow.
When you partner with VSI by BOSS Snowplow, you are not just buying a liquid spray system, you are integrating liquid into your culture. We can walk with you each step of the way, from the initial consultation, to equipment sourcing, and then implementation and situational management via phone or email. Talk to anyone who has worked with VSI by BOSS Snowplow; they are a true partner, not just a vendor.